Cessna 172M Skyhawk

N13243 - Pages Work in progress

Everything you need to know about maintenance information, schedules, pictures and a short history.

About N13243


Recently fitted with the RAM 160 HP conversion, new cylinders, new carburetor, a classic PowerFlo exhaust system and a K&N air filter. Take off performance and climb is improved, the fuel consumption is 1 or 2 litres per hour lower and the cruise speed is 5 knots faster. A rather nice CGR-30P engine monitoring unit has been installed which very accurately shows fuel consumption, EGT and CHT, etc.  It also is very handy for leaning which can bring the cruise consumption down to about 26 litres per hour.  There are also digital instruments for the Oil Pressure and temperature, Amps and Fuel quantity.  The fuel gauges are a ‘work in progress’ and will be accurately calibrated at the nest visit to the maintenance shop.

All of the most important documents are available on this web site and include, amongst others, the POH and CGR-30P manual and W&B.  

The oil consumption is very moderate but the level should be kept at 5 quarts as anything above this blows out of the breather and deposits itself on the bottom of the fuselage.



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Documents for N13243 in PDF format.

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In this section you can view and download documents relevant to N13243. You will find the POH, the autopilot manual, current weight and balance sheet, checklists, etc…
